Strad & Works 应用

Toy Piano 1.11
Strad & Works
It is an application to enjoy playing the piano keyboard on yoursmartphone.
Endless Yakuman Mahjong 2.9
Strad & Works
Mahjong-style app for yakuman lovers. Six times yakuman is not adream
Two-player mahjong --Yakuman revise- 1.29
Strad & Works
≪New≫ Online ranking implementation! I made it as a remakeversionof two-person mahjong-Yakuman. ■ It is a one-on-one battletypemahjong style game with CPU (Southeastern battle) Realizedbecauseit is a one-to-one specification Take this opportunity toplay arole that you rarely see! There is a pong, there is a can,there isalso a fritenron !? Double role and triple role are notdreams!Even Tenhou. .. .. There is no cheating. ■ The only tilesused areSouzu and Yaochuhai. Use a total of 80 tiles, 4 for each of20types of tiles. Unlike normal mahjong, there is no Junkorole.There is no need to think about difficult things. ■ Five timesasmuch as a dream !? Suuanko single horse, character one color,andDaisuushi are five times more fulfilling. Please comeandexperience the dream world. * 么 9 tiles: Numbers 1 and 9andcharacter tiles (east, south, west, north, white, tile,middle).BGM cooperation: The sound of greentea~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please enjoy otherproductionapps.
二人打ち麻雀 MORE役満鬼アドバンス 1.19
Strad & Works
累計2万ダウンロードの無料二人打ち麻雀風ゲームApp「役満鬼」「もっと役満鬼」シリーズの最新版! ◇遊び方 初心者の方は同じ絵柄を3枚ずつ揃えましょう ◇ハコったら負け 持ち点は50万点!  CPUをハコらせたら勝ち◇CPUとの1対1対戦型無料麻雀ゲーム(東南戦)  1対1仕様だからこそ実現!  普段目にすることのない役満役も! ポンあり、カンあり、フリテンロンもあり!?  ダブル役満、トリプル役満は当たり前! 天和さえも...  いかさまは一切ありません◇厳選された使用牌  役満役を実現するために  牌を厳選(么九牌(ヤオチュウハイ)のみ) ◇鬼モード、もっと鬼モードの2種類を用意 ■鬼モード  13種類の么九牌を各6枚ずつ計78枚を使用  ■もっと鬼モード  字牌のみを各8枚ずつ計56枚を使用◇ローカルルールダブル役満  下記の4種類をダブル役満としています  四暗刻単騎、大四喜、字一色七対子、国士無双13面待ち◇夢の5倍役満!?  四暗刻単騎・字一色・大四喜で5倍役満  さらに四槓子を加えると...  夢の世界を是非体験してみてください◇その他  暗槓もしくは自摸和了の時はダイアログに従ってください  暗槓は自摸時のみ可能 ◇対応役一覧 ダブル役満役:四暗刻単騎大四喜 国士無双13面待ち 字一色七対子 役満役:四暗刻 四槓子 小四喜 清老頭 大三元 字一色 国士無双 天和 満貫役:小三元混老頭対々和 混老頭七対子 流し満貫 三飜役:混一色(食い下がり二飜) 二飜役:三暗刻 三色同刻 三槓子(対々和と七対子は混老頭との複合となります) 一飜役:場風牌 自風牌 役牌 門前摸和 河底撈魚 嶺上開花 表ドラ 裏ドラ*么九牌:数牌の1・9と字牌(東・南・西・北・白・發・中) BGM協力:おとわび 様~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ その他の制作アプリもお楽しみください
More Yakuman Mahjong - two out 1.0.1
Strad & Works
It was remade as a two-person mahjong-more Yakuman Revise-. ↓ ↓ ↓Icouldn't update the old app and uploaded ithere. very sorry for those who have used it for a long time, Wehopeyou enjoy the remake version.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please enjoy otherproductionapps.■ The second of thetwo-player Yakuman Mahjong ■ It is a one-on-onebattle type mahjonggame with CPU Realized because it is aone-to-one specificationTake this opportunity to play a role thatyou rarely see! There isa pong, there is a can, there is also afritenron !? Double Yakumanand triple Yakuman are natural! EvenTenho. .. .. There is nocheating. ■ Two types of Yakuman mode andmore Yakuman mode can beselected The tiles used in the Yakuman modeare Souz 1.9, Manz 1.9,13 types of pins 1 and 9, character tiles(east, south, west,north, white, tile, middle). A total of 78sheets, 6 sheets each,will be used. The tiles used in the Yakumanmode are only thecharacter tiles (east, south, west, north, white,tile, middle). Atotal of 56 sheets, 8 sheets each, will be used. ■It is natural tohave a Yakuman and a double Yakuman. It's no longera dream, it's 5times more useful !? Suuankou single horse,character one color,and Daisuushi are five times more fulfilling.If you add Suukantsu,it will be 6 times more useful. Can you see a6x Yakuman !? Pleasecome and experience the dream world. BGMcooperation: The sound ofgreen tea
Infinite Yakuman Mahjong 2nd 1.10
Strad & Works
The latest work of the free mahjong-style game app"InfiniteYakuman" with a cumulative total of 20,000 downloads inthe series!◇ How to play Beginners should arrange 3 of the samepattern Let'sgo up within the time limit! ◇ One-on-one freemahjong-style gamewith CPU There are also roles that you don'tusually see! There arepons, cans, and fritenrons !? Double role andtriple role arenatural! Even Tenho... There is no cheating ◇Implemented onlineranking ◇ Carefully selected tiles To achieve afull role Carefullyselected tiles (only for Yaochuhai) ◇ Two typesof demon mode andmore demon mode are available ■ Normal Yakumanmode Use a total of78 pieces, 6 pieces each of 13 types of tiles ■Easy Yakuman modeUse a total of 56 tiles, 8 for each tile ◇ Localrule double roleThe following 4 types are full of double rolesSuuankou singlehorse, Daisuushii, Chiitoitsu, Kokushi Musou,waiting for 13 faces◇ Five times as good as a dream !? Suuankousingle horse, characterone color, Daisuushii 5 times more useful Ifyou add more foursardines ... Please experience the world of dreams◇ Other Pleasefollow the dialog at the time of darkening orself-relianceDarkness is possible only when self-made * Nine tiles:Numbers 1and 9 and character tiles (east, south, west, north,white, tile,middle) BGM cooperation: Mr. Otowabi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Enjoy other productionapps
MORE Yakuman Mahjong Revise 1.37
Strad & Works
≪New≫ Online ranking implementation! I made it as a remakeversionof two-person mahjong-more Yakuman Demon. □ A one-on-onematch-upmahjong game with a CPU (Southeastern match) Please enjoythe rolethat you can hardly see in everyday life, which wasrealizedbecause of the one-to-one specification. The tiles arecarefullyselected to achieve the full role (only Yaochuhai isused). Thereis a pong, there is a can, there is also a fritenron !?Double roleand triple role are natural! Even Tenhou. .. .. As alocal rule,Suuankou, Daisuushii, Chiitoitsu, and Kokushi Musou13-sidedwaiting are double roles. As a result, theoretically, it isnot adream to play 6 times as much. There is no cheating. □ Twotypes ofdemon mode and more demon mode can be selected ● In thedemon mode,13 types of tiles are used, 6 each, for a total of 78tiles. ● Inthe more demon mode, only the character tiles (east,south, west,north, white, 發, middle) are used, 8 each, for a totalof 56 tiles.A dialog will open when you are in the dark or when youareself-sufficient, so follow the navigation. Darkening ispossibleonly when you are self-sufficient. Can you see a 6x role !?Pleasecome and experience the dream world. * 么 9 tiles: Numbers 1and 9and character tiles (east, south, west, north, white,tile,middle). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please enjoyotherproductionapps.
二人打ち麻雀 役満鬼アドバンス 1.15
Strad & Works
累計2万ダウンロードの無料二人打ち麻雀風ゲームApp「役満鬼」「もっと役満鬼」シリーズの問題作!◇遊び方 初心者の方は同じ絵柄を3枚ずつ揃えましょう  通常の麻雀とはルールが異なります◇ハコったら負け 持ち点30万点! ハコらせたら勝ち ◇CPUとの1対1対戦型無料麻雀風ゲーム(東南戦) 1対1仕様だからこそ実現! 普段目にすることのない役満役も! ポンあり、カンあり、フリテンロンもあり!? ダブル役満、トリプル役満も夢じゃない! 天和さえも...  いかさまは一切ありません 順子役もありません🙇 ◇厳選された使用牌 索子(ソウズ)と么九牌(ヤオチュウハイ)のみ使用  20種類の牌を各4枚ずつ計80枚を使用◇夢の5倍役満!? 四暗刻単騎・字一色・大四喜で5倍役満  さらに四槓子を加えると...  夢の世界を是非体験してみてください◇対応役一覧ダブル役満役:四暗刻単騎 大四喜 国士無双13面待ち 字一色七対子 役満役:四暗刻 四槓子 清老頭 大三元 字一色国士無双 緑一色小四喜 天和 六飜役:清一色(食い下がり五飜) 四飜役:小三元 混老頭対々和 混老頭七対子 流し満貫三飜役:混一色(食い下がり二飜)二飜役:対々和 七対子 三暗刻 三色同刻 三槓子 一飜役:場風牌 自風牌 役牌 門前摸和 河底撈魚嶺上開花 表ドラ 裏ドラ*么九牌:数牌の1・9と字牌(東・南・西・北・白・發・中) BGM協力:おとわび様~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~その他の制作アプリもお楽しみください
Strad & Works
This is a collection of past questions to help you pass thenational exam for public health nurses. Please use it for a shorttime such as going to school.